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Upcoming Programs

This list is some of our upcoming programs.  Please visit our family, older adult, schoolcommunity, and recovery support pages or our events calendar to see what other programs we offer!


August 11–17 2024

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Get Connected: Linking Older Adults with Resources on Medication, Alcohol, and Mental Health - Passaic County

Breakfast, Lunch, and Continuing Education 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Alcohol and medication misuse and mental health conditions can be significant problems for older adults. Our growing life expectancy, coupled with the aging of the “baby boom” generation make the need to address these issues more critical than ever before. As with other age groups, by preventing these problems from occurring in the first place, and by addressing them promptly when they do arise, we can enhance the lives and health of millions of older Americans. The Get Connected program was created to help health, social, and aging services providers learn more about alcohol and medication misuse and mental health conditions in older adults so they can address these issues more effectively. It has been designed to help health and aging services providers undertake health promotion, advance prevention messages and education, and undertake screening and referral for mental health conditions and the misuse of alcohol and medications.

Breakfast, lunch and continuing education credits provided.

Space is limited. Registration is required.

All participants will receive the Get Connected Toolkit which provides the materials necessary for training staff who work with older adults, as well as, materials to educate older adults.


Stephanie Drag, MA, LAC, CPS
Director of School and Family Services
The Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources, Children's Aid and Family Services

Donny Bellamy
Prevention Specialist
The Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources, a program of Children's Aid and Family Services

Lamaa Beidas, C.H.E.S.
Health Promotion Specialist
United for Prevention in Passaic County


Maria Alvarez, CPRS
Recovery Specialist
The Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources, Children's Aid and Family Services

Dr. Purnendu Raval Pharm D, BCGP, CCP
Senior Care Pharmacist

Course Objectives
Participants will be able to:
• Increase understanding that life transitions associated with aging can lead to problems with alcohol and medications.
• Learn the warning signs of an alcohol, medication problem, and mental health conditions and why these signs are hard to detect among older adults.
• Increase awareness that substance misuse and mental health conditions in older adults are not part of the aging process and can be treated.
• Increase awareness that prevention, screening, and treatment are effective for alcohol and mental health conditions, particularly for older adults.
• Increase comfort and confidence in discussing sensitive issues with older adults.

Continuing Education:
NJ-NASW Social Work Credits have been applied for.

Continuing Education Credits applications have been submitted for: The Certification Board of NJ.

This program is being coordinated by The Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources in partnership with United for Prevention in Passaic and funded through by a grant through NJDHS - Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services

How do I request accommodations for a disability?
Building and event space are accessible via wheelchair. Other special accommodations can be made upon request. Contact Donny Bellamy at 201-740-7011 for more information.

I have dietary restrictions. Can you accommodate me?
Please let us know on the registration form or contact Donny Bellamy at 201-740-7011. We may be able to assist you.

How do I file a grievance or complaint?
TCADR will respond to all complaints in a timely and ethical matter. The Complainant submits a written grievance or complaint to Donny Bellamy at 201-740-7011. If further information is needed, TCADR will contact the complainant and provide an opportunity where the complainant can provide further information. TCADR reviews the available information and determines a course of action/resolution. A response will be sent to the complainant in writing that describes the determination/resolution.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024
11:00 am1:00 pm
50 Sade Street
Clifton, NJ 07013

The WISE Program is a health and wellness program targeting older adults. WISE promotes health through education concerning high-risk behaviors in older adults. The WISE Program is designed to help older adults celebrate healthy aging, make healthy lifestyle choices and avoid substance abuse. The curriculum is designed to take place once per week over a six-week period. Each lesson is about 1 ½ to 2 hours, not including time breakfast or lunch, which we recommend serving in order to help the group get to know each other and socialize. Older Adults receive a $25 Visa Gift Card upon graduation.

Familias Fuertes

Wednesday, August 14, 2024
6:00 pm8:30 pm
Thomas Jefferson Middle School 75 First Street, Lodi, NJ 07644

The Strengthening Families Program serves parents and youth ages 10-14 is delivered over seven weeks in parent, youth, and family sessions. Session are once a week and include free dinner, child monitoring, and interactive activities including role-playing, discussions, learning games, and family projects. Families that complete the program receive a $100 Gift Card. This family skills program is designed to delay the onset of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, increase resistance to peer pressure, and improve parent management skills.

HYBRID Family Support Group

Wednesday, August 14, 2024
6:00 pm7:00 pm

If you are interested in attending, email our Family Support Specialist at

Strengthening Families Program - Norwood

Wednesday, August 14, 2024
6:00 pm8:30 pm
Valley Spring Recovery Center
830 Broadway
Norwood, NJ 07648

The Strengthening Families Program is an interactive program that helps families build on strengths, help parents to show love and set limits, and help kids develop skills for a positive future.