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Social Media ToolKits

Youth Mental Health

This social media campaign, "#Papaya -Youth Mental Health" was created by teens for teens to help understand mental health, know where to get help, and know they are not alone. Download the campaign toolkit which includes the post order, language, images, and hashtags. 

We would love it if you tagged us in the posts so we can engage with you.

This campaign was funded through the Bergen County Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (formerly the Office of Alcohol and Drug Dependency)

#Papaya - Youth Mental Health Social Media Preview and Toolkit

Post One

Meet #Papaya, the EPIC Mental Health Mascot.  Follow Papaya to learn about mental health & resources to help people struggling.

#empowerpeers #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthishealth #stigmafree


Post Two

What is mental health? It’s our emotional, psychological, & social well-being. #Papaya says it affects how we think, feel, & act.

#empowerpeers #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthishealth #stigmafree

Post Three

#Papaya says it’s important to talk about feelings. Talking helps work to understand feelings, find support, & find our best self.

#empowerpeers #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthishealth #stigmafree

Post Four

#Papaya says we all experience times when we need support. There are people around you to help – someone you trust or professionals.  Papaya listed their favorites.

#empowerpeers #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthishealth #stigmafree

Post 5

#Papaya says natural highs make you feel good strengthen your mental health.  #Whatisyournaturalhigh (PS check out that campaign!)

#empowerpeers #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthishealth #stigmafree

Post 6

#Papaya says there are ways to help improve your mental state.  Try these tips that helped them when they needed it.

#empowerpeers #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthishealth #stigmafree

Post 7

#Papaya speaks out against stigma! They know it can help instill courage to get help in others facing similar challenges.

#empowerpeers #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthishealth #stigmafree

Post 8

#Papaya shared lots of information from their experiences. They want you to know that YOU are enough. YOU are powerful. YOU are valuable. YOU are strong.

#empowerpeers #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthishealth #stigmafree

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