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Bergen County Prevention Coalition

Community Education & Advocacy

Bergen County Prevention Coalition (BCPC)

In August, 2010, the BCPC was created to bring together individuals and organizations that are committed to, and passionate about, reducing the prevalent rates of alcohol and drug use among youth and young adults in Bergen County and preventing the problems that often result. BCPC’s members work together to address these significant issues by leveraging resources and building on the group’s collective strengths to influence the environment as it relates to underage drinking, prescription medication misuse across the lifespan, reducing the use of illegal substances with a special focus on opioids among young adults 18-25 years of age, and reducing the use of new and emerging drugs of abuse across the lifespan. Ultimately, the BCPC will be a comprehensive community coalition that will respond to community conditions by developing and implementing multi-faceted plans that lead to measurable, population-level reduction in one or more substance abuse problems. The BCPC offers TIPS (Training for Intervention ProcedureS) training for bars and restaurants to prevent underage drinking, intoxication, and drunk driving. Monthly meetings provide an opportunity for members to network, participate in relevant training seminars, review The Center’s Community Assessment on youth, and plan collaborative initiatives to address the needs the BCPC establishes as its focus. Membership is open to those who are interested in creating a healthy, safe and drug-free Bergen County including youth and young adults.

General Membership Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month from 10:00am – 11am. Most meeting are on the Zoom link here: 

Check our calendar to see locations of in-person meetings!

BCPC Public Service Announcement

Watch the Bergen County Prevention Coalition PSA entitled The voices of Addiction of Bergen County.  The video tells the stories of three people who live in Bergen County, New Jersey; a mom whose 21 year-old daughter passed away after overdosing on heroin, a young man incarcerated in the Bergen County jail who was a high school track star and began using painkillers when he broke his arm in several places, and a young woman who began using heroin when she was 17 and is now in a recovery program.  Their stories began similarly - drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana were fun things to do and not a big deal or anything that was of great concern.  The link between early use and the use of pills and heroin are what followed with each story’s outcome different from the other; with death, incarceration, and recovery.  

For more information or to become a member contact the Prevention Warmline: 201-225-8848