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Celebrate Seniors

Celebrating Senior Events

Join us for a variety of in person and virtual programs!

Is it your first time virtually? Watch this "How to" for Zoom

Interested in scheduling a program for your group?

Reach out to Marigrace Flynn at

The Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR) program serves the intellectual and social needs of a vibrant community of lifelong learners ages 55 and over.

For Fall 2024 choose from over 50 courses offered in a wide variety of engaging subjects.

  • History
  • Current Events
  • Languages
  • Sciences
  • Culture
  • Literature
  • Politics
  • Wellness

Plus much more!

Click here to view or download the catalog

September 2023

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Monday, September 4, 2023
2:00 pm4:00 pm
Miriam Apartments I, 127 Hazel Street, Clifton, NJ 07011

Passaic County Older Adults... Put Life Back into Your Life.
Consider a TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH FREE Workshop developed by Stanford University.

Free book. Gift card and certificate on completion of at least 4 sessions!

Are you an adult (over 55 yrs.’) with an ongoing health condition or a caregiver of a person with a chronic disease?
You will get the support you need, find practical ways to deal with pain and fatigue, discover better nutrition and exercise choices, understand new treatment choices, and learn better ways to talk with your doctor and family about your health.

If you have conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, or addictions, this workshop can help you take charge of your life.

Sign Up Now. Spaces Are Limited.
Join a free 2-hour Passaic County Workshop, held each week for six weeks.
Learn from trained volunteer leaders with health conditions themselves.
Set your own goals and make a step-by-step plan to improve your health—and your life.

There's a lot to be confused about navigating this world of technology. Join us, for an hour with Erika Obara who will help us unpack this everchanging landscape of technology. Bring your questions and we will give you answers!!!!

Wednesday, September 6th 11:30-12:30
by clicking the black button

*$25 Gift Card Raffle for Bergen and Passaic County Attendees*

Wednesday, September 13, 2023
11:00 am1:00 pm
50 Sade Street
Clifton, NJ 07013

The WISE Program is a health and wellness program targeting older adults. WISE promotes health through education concerning high-risk behaviors in older adults. The WISE Program is designed to help older adults celebrate healthy aging, make healthy lifestyle choices and avoid substance abuse. The curriculum is designed to take place once per week over a six-week period. Each lesson is about 1 ½ to 2 hours, not including time breakfast or lunch, which we recommend serving in order to help the group get to know each other and socialize. Older Adults receive a $25 Visa Gift Card upon graduation.

Join us for an hour with author, Lisa Annese on Sound Healing! Sound healing is the use of specific instruments, music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. It involves using specialized sound frequencies to create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release

Thursday, September 21st, 2023

*$25 Gift Card Raffle for Bergen and Passaic County Attendees*

Help those we serve and love to

Free Program for Bergen County Senior Care Providers

As a senior service provider and/or advocate in Bergen County how can you help?

Join us for breakfast and to hear from experts in older adults, mental health, and addiction.

Get Connected will help providers and advocates to better understand the issues associated with substance misuse and mental health conditions in older adults, increase confidence and comfort in addressing these problems, and will provide resources to help screen and refer at-risk clients to an appropriate advisor such as a physician, treatment provider, or mental health professional.

All participants will receive the Get Connected Toolkit which provides the materials necessary for training staff who work with older adults and materials to educate older adults.

Wednesday, September 27th 10:00-2:00

Registration 9:45

Garfield VFW, 340 Outwater Lane, Garfield

Cost: FREE

This program is for Bergen County providers and advocates!

Breakfast Provided

Space is limited. Registration is required.

Looking for more things to do? Check out the Senior Resource Group of NJ for more programs for seniors across NJ!